Being Thankful




Use the American Holiday of Thanksgiving to teach children about being grateful. The idea of vocalising what people are grateful for during Thanksgiving is a very popular aspect of the holiday.


They will have a discussion using a large range of English vocabulary. They will also create gratitude for their lives and for others in their classroom. Instead of focusing on what toys or games they don’t have, they can learn how to appreciate the things they already have. This is an important life skill.


  1. Have a discussion in English about being thankful for the things they already have.
  2. Draw a giant turkey on a large paper or cardboard.
  3. Create a silhouette of the childs hand, this will represent the feather of the turkey.
  4. On each “feather” or hand, the child needs to write what they are thankful for.
  5. Stick the “feathers” on the Turkey and place the Turkey in a place where the children see it often.

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